Solar PV

This page contains our notes about our proposed solar PV installation.

“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”, so the saying goes. I am no expert on these matters, just technically savvy and curious to learn and understand it all. I’m hot on electrics, physics, geometry, calculation; but weak on the practicalities in this industry. That’s why we’re approaching installers for their expertise in design and installation. Not everything here may be correct or make sense.

I am learning as I go along, starting in November 2022.


  1. Outstanding Concerns, Requests, Questions
  2. Our Household Energy Usage
  3. Our own roof measurements
  4. Our own system planning exploration
  5. Panel Layouts Suggested by Installers
  6. Inverter
  7. Panels
  8. Shading
  9. Battery
  10. Installation requests
  11. Control and Monitoring

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